Action for Reform

of Residential Care Association (ARRCBC)


ARRC is pleased to introduce a new project designed to support efforts to improve quality of life for long-term care residents.

Over the coming year, our “Quality of Life Must-Read Series” will regularly post short articles describing strategies that individuals and facilities can adopt to improve quality of life, health and wellbeing for residents.

For example, you will read about why access to outdoor space is so important. And why "food matters” so much. Another article will address how the environment and facility design can make such an impact on quality of life. Each article will suggest ways to make your voice heard at the personal, facility and community levels.

We would appreciate your feedback on the usefulness of these articles.

Click here to access the first Article:.

ARRC Quality of Life Connections to Nature

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Action for Reform of Residential Care (ARRCBC)

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